~ My Melbourne ~ MM.com.au

Heidelberg Heights

Suburb:Heidelberg Heights
Total Persons:0
Total Males:0
Total Females:0
Age Group (0-4 years) : 0
Age Group (5-14 years) :0
65 Years Over: 0
Median Age of Persons:0
Persons born overseas:0
Main Country of birth which is not :
No of people of Main Country of birth which is not :
No of People Married:
Married Percentage:
Labour Force:
Employed Fulltime:
Employed Full Time Percentage:
Main Occupation:
Number of Main Occupation:
Main Occupation Percentage:
Main Industry of Employment:
Main Industry of Employment Numbers:
Main Industry of Employment Percentage:
Median Individual Income ($/Weekly):
Median Household Income ($/Weekly):
Median Family Income ($/Weekly):
Number of Families:
Number of Families With Children:
Total Private Dwellings:
Median Rent ($/Weekly):
Median Housing Loan Repayment ($/Weekly):
Average Household Size:
Average Number of Persons Per Bedroom:
Household Fully Owned Percentage:
Household Rented Percentage:
Family Household Percentage: